Sunday, February 24, 2013


Because I've been too lazy...

All you get now are couple of photos of what I've been up too.

Airplane view

Oh the tube 

Natural Museum of History

British Museum

Never not in a trench, stripes (my fav colour) and chucks

If you can afford them...lovely! 

Be correct in the City

Ohhhhh! There it is! 

China Town

Engineering is a fantastic thing, isn't it?

But where is Watson?

I'm so vain

For the gent (I ate those Fox melts though...)

Camden Town! This was so much fun! 

Haven't been up to much, have I? Help that most of the museums are free. Helps a lot actually.


  1. Museus de borla é um sinal de sociedades evoluídas.

  2. Por mim ia todos a Londres, é daquelas cidades que fica sempre algo por ver :)
